The notes for the topics on this page can be found in the lecture 4 folder on Canvas.


One method to conduct a hypothesis test for a single proportion in R is to use the prop_test function in the catfun package. For more information run ?prop_test in the R console. For further help, please watch the video example.

Score test


prop_test(7, 50, method = "wald", p = 0.2)
## 7  out of  50,  null probability =  0.2
## ---------------------------------------- 
## Observed proportion: 0.14 
## Confidence interval method: wald 
## Confidence interval: 0.04382187 0.2361781 
## Exact limits: 0.0581917 0.267396 
## Test that 0.14 = 0.2 
## ---------------------------------------- 
## Chi-squared: 1.125 
## Degrees freedom: 1 
## p-value: 0.28884

Exact test

The only thing that changes when conducting an exact test is that you must specify exact = TRUE


prop_test(2, 6, method = "wald", p = 0.2, exact = TRUE)
## 2  out of  6,  null probability =  0.2
## ---------------------------------------- 
## Observed proportion: 0.3333 
## Confidence interval method: wald 
## Confidence interval: 0 0.7105286 
## Exact limits: 0.04327187 0.7772219 
## Test that 0.3333 = 0.2 
## ---------------------------------------- 
## Chi-squared: 0.6666667 
## Degrees freedom: 1 
## p-value: 0.41422 
## Exact p-value: 0.34464

R demonstration


To conduct a hypothesis test for a single proportion in SAS you use the frequency procedure. For further help, please watch the video example.

The syntax is:

proc freq data = <dataset>; 
  table <variable name> / binomial(p = <null value>) alpha = <alpha level>; 
  weight <weighting variable if summary data>; 

Variable name corresponds to the variable in the dataset, null value corresponds to your null hypothesis, alpha level corresponds to your pre-specified alpha level, and weight corresponds to the variable in the dataset that contains your counts (in these cases, the same variable that proceeds your table statement).

Score test

data followup; 
  input loss; 

title 'Loss to Follow-up Example'; 
proc freq data = followup order = data; 
  table loss / binomial(p = 0.2) alpha = 0.05; 
  weight loss; 
##                                        Loss to Follow-up Example
##                                            The FREQ Procedure
##                                                         Cumulative    Cumulative
##                        loss    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent
##                        ---------------------------------------------------------
##                           7           7       14.00             7        14.00  
##                          43          43       86.00            50       100.00  
##                                           Binomial Proportion
##                                                 loss = 7
##                                     Proportion                0.1400
##                                     ASE                       0.0491
##                                     95% Lower Conf Limit      0.0438
##                                     95% Upper Conf Limit      0.2362
##                                     Exact Conf Limits               
##                                     95% Lower Conf Limit      0.0582
##                                     95% Upper Conf Limit      0.2674
##                                       Test of H0: Proportion = 0.2
##                                     ASE under H0              0.0566
##                                     Z                        -1.0607
##                                     One-sided Pr <  Z         0.1444
##                                     Two-sided Pr > |Z|        0.2888
##                                             Sample Size = 50

Exact test

The only thing that changes when conducting an exact test is you must add exact binomial after the table statement.

data followupEX;
  input loss; 

title 'Loss to Follow-Up Exact Example';
proc freq data = followupEX order = data; 
  table loss / binomial(p = 0.2) alpha = 0.05;
  exact binomial;
  weight loss; 
##                                     Loss to Follow-Up Exact Example
##                                            The FREQ Procedure
##                                                         Cumulative    Cumulative
##                        loss    Frequency     Percent     Frequency      Percent
##                        ---------------------------------------------------------
##                           2           2       33.33             2        33.33  
##                           4           4       66.67             6       100.00  
##                                           Binomial Proportion
##                                                loss = 2
##                                   Proportion (P)               0.3333
##                                   ASE                          0.1925
##                                   95% Lower Conf Limit         0.0000
##                                   95% Upper Conf Limit         0.7105
##                                   Exact Conf Limits                  
##                                   95% Lower Conf Limit         0.0433
##                                   95% Upper Conf Limit         0.7772
##                                      Test of H0: Proportion = 0.2
##                                   ASE under H0                 0.1633
##                                   Z                            0.8165
##                                   One-sided Pr >  Z            0.2071
##                                   Two-sided Pr > |Z|           0.4142
##                                   Exact Test                         
##                                   One-sided Pr >=  P           0.3446
##                                   Two-sided = 2 * One-sided    0.6893
##                                             Sample Size = 6

SAS demonstration