The notes for the topics on this page can be found in the lecture 19 folder on Canvas.


To conduct a Brewlosw-Day test in R you can use BreslowDayTest() from the DescTools package. BreslowDayTest() requires a 2 x 2 x k table as its main argument; you can also specify an odds ratio for the null hypothesis (if not specified, the Mantel-Haenszal OR will be used). To create 2 x 2 x k tables from a data-set you can use xtabs().

Example One


teeth <- tibble(
  exposure = rep(c("tetra", "tetra", "notetra", "notetra"), 2), 
  discolor = rep(c("yes", "no"), 4), 
  age = c(rep("child", 4), rep("adult", 4)), 
  count = c(30, 25, 12, 17, 4, 6, 68, 94)

teeth_tabs <- xtabs(count ~ exposure + discolor + age, data = teeth)
## , , age = adult
##          discolor
## exposure  no yes
##   notetra 94  68
##   tetra    6   4
## , , age = child
##          discolor
## exposure  no yes
##   notetra 17  12
##   tetra   25  30
##  Breslow-Day test on Homogeneity of Odds Ratios
## data:  teeth_tabs
## X-squared = 0.57493, df = 1, p-value = 0.4483

Example Two

cervical <- tibble(
  smoke = rep(c("yes", "yes", "no", "no"), 2), 
  cancer = rep(c("yes", "no", "yes", "no"), 2), 
  partners = c(rep("zeroone", 4), rep("twomore", 4)), 
  count = c(12, 21, 25, 118, 96, 148, 92, 150)

cervical_tabs <- xtabs(count ~ smoke + cancer + partners, data = cervical)
## , , partners = twomore
##      cancer
## smoke  no yes
##   no  150  92
##   yes 148  96
## , , partners = zeroone
##      cancer
## smoke  no yes
##   no  118  25
##   yes  21  12
##  Breslow-Day test on Homogeneity of Odds Ratios
## data:  cervical_tabs
## X-squared = 4.2069, df = 1, p-value = 0.04026


To conduct a Breslow-Day test in SAS you use the frequency procedure with the cmh argument specified in the options of the table statement. The 2 x 2 x k tables are built as usual, but with the following adjustment: table k*exposure*disease.

Example One

title 'Teeth Discoloration Example';
  data teeth;    
  input exposure $ discolor $ age $ count;
    tetra yes child 30 
    tetra no child 25
    notetra yes child 12 
    notetra no child 17
    tetra yes adult 4 
    tetra no adult 6 
    notetra yes adult 68 
    notetra no adult 94 
proc freq data = teeth order = data;
  table age*exposure*discolor / chisq relrisk cmh expected; 
  weight count; 
##                                       Teeth Discoloration Example
##                                            The FREQ Procedure
##                                     Table 1 of exposure by discolor
##                                        Controlling for age=child
##                                   exposure     discolor
##                                   Frequency|
##                                   Expected |
##                                   Percent  |
##                                   Row Pct  |
##                                   Col Pct  |yes     |no      |  Total
##                                   ---------+--------+--------+
##                                   tetra    |     30 |     25 |     55
##                                            |   27.5 |   27.5 |
##                                            |  35.71 |  29.76 |  65.48
##                                            |  54.55 |  45.45 |
##                                            |  71.43 |  59.52 |
##                                   ---------+--------+--------+
##                                   notetra  |     12 |     17 |     29
##                                            |   14.5 |   14.5 |
##                                            |  14.29 |  20.24 |  34.52
##                                            |  41.38 |  58.62 |
##                                            |  28.57 |  40.48 |
##                                   ---------+--------+--------+
##                                   Total          42       42       84
##                                               50.00    50.00   100.00
##                              Statistics for Table 1 of exposure by discolor
##                                        Controlling for age=child
##                          Statistic                     DF       Value      Prob
##                          ------------------------------------------------------
##                          Chi-Square                     1      1.3166    0.2512
##                          Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square    1      1.3216    0.2503
##                          Continuity Adj. Chi-Square     1      0.8426    0.3586
##                          Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square     1      1.3009    0.2540
##                          Phi Coefficient                       0.1252          
##                          Contingency Coefficient               0.1242          
##                          Cramer's V                            0.1252          
##                                           Fisher's Exact Test
##                                    ----------------------------------
##                                    Cell (1,1) Frequency (F)        30
##                                    Left-sided Pr <= F          0.9160
##                                    Right-sided Pr >= F         0.1794
##                                    Table Probability (P)       0.0954
##                                    Two-sided Pr <= P           0.3588
##                                      Odds Ratio and Relative Risks
##                    Statistic                        Value       95% Confidence Limits
##                    ------------------------------------------------------------------
##                    Odds Ratio                      1.7000        0.6844        4.2226
##                    Relative Risk (Column 1)        1.3182        0.8028        2.1643
##                    Relative Risk (Column 2)        0.7754        0.5089        1.1814
##                                             Sample Size = 84
##                                     Table 2 of exposure by discolor
##                                        Controlling for age=adult
##                                   exposure     discolor
##                                   Frequency|
##                                   Expected |
##                                   Percent  |
##                                   Row Pct  |
##                                   Col Pct  |yes     |no      |  Total
##                                   ---------+--------+--------+
##                                   tetra    |      4 |      6 |     10
##                                            |  4.186 |  5.814 |
##                                            |   2.33 |   3.49 |   5.81
##                                            |  40.00 |  60.00 |
##                                            |   5.56 |   6.00 |
##                                   ---------+--------+--------+
##                                   notetra  |     68 |     94 |    162
##                                            | 67.814 | 94.186 |
##                                            |  39.53 |  54.65 |  94.19
##                                            |  41.98 |  58.02 |
##                                            |  94.44 |  94.00 |
##                                   ---------+--------+--------+
##                                   Total          72      100      172
##                                               41.86    58.14   100.00
##                              Statistics for Table 2 of exposure by discolor
##                                        Controlling for age=adult
##                          Statistic                     DF       Value      Prob
##                          ------------------------------------------------------
##                          Chi-Square                     1      0.0151    0.9022
##                          Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square    1      0.0152    0.9020
##                          Continuity Adj. Chi-Square     1      0.0000    1.0000
##                          Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square     1      0.0150    0.9025
##                          Phi Coefficient                      -0.0094          
##                          Contingency Coefficient               0.0094          
##                          Cramer's V                           -0.0094          
##                           WARNING: 25% of the cells have expected counts less 
##                                    than 5. Chi-Square may not be a valid test.
##                                           Fisher's Exact Test
##                                    ----------------------------------
##                                    Cell (1,1) Frequency (F)         4
##                                    Left-sided Pr <= F          0.5876
##                                    Right-sided Pr >= F         0.6687
##                                    Table Probability (P)       0.2564
##                                    Two-sided Pr <= P           1.0000
##                                      Odds Ratio and Relative Risks
##                    Statistic                        Value       95% Confidence Limits
##                    ------------------------------------------------------------------
##                    Odds Ratio                      0.9216        0.2504        3.3919
##                    Relative Risk (Column 1)        0.9529        0.4367        2.0796
##                    Relative Risk (Column 2)        1.0340        0.6131        1.7441
##                                            Sample Size = 172
##                                       Teeth Discoloration Example
##                                            The FREQ Procedure
##                               Summary Statistics for exposure by discolor
##                                           Controlling for age
##                       Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Statistics (Based on Table Scores)
##                     Statistic    Alternative Hypothesis    DF       Value      Prob
##                     ---------------------------------------------------------------
##                         1        Nonzero Correlation        1      0.7531    0.3855
##                         2        Row Mean Scores Differ     1      0.7531    0.3855
##                         3        General Association        1      0.7531    0.3855
##                                  Common Odds Ratio and Relative Risks
##          Statistic                   Method                  Value       95% Confidence Limits
##          -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##          Odds Ratio                  Mantel-Haenszel        1.3893        0.6643        2.9056
##                                      Logit                  1.3909        0.6597        2.9327
##          Relative Risk (Column 1)    Mantel-Haenszel        1.1959        0.7877        1.8156
##                                      Logit                  1.2007        0.7901        1.8248
##          Relative Risk (Column 2)    Mantel-Haenszel        0.8606        0.6200        1.1944
##                                      Logit                  0.8684        0.6256        1.2054
##                                           Breslow-Day Test for
##                                      Homogeneity of the Odds Ratios
##                                      ------------------------------
##                                      Chi-Square              0.5749
##                                      DF                           1
##                                      Pr > ChiSq              0.4483
##                                         Total Sample Size = 256

Example Two

title 'Cervical Cancer Example';
data cervical;
  input smoke $ cancer $ partners $ count;
    yes yes zeorone 12
    yes no zeorone 21 
    no yes zeorone 25 
    no no zeorone 118 
    yes yes twomore 96 
    yes no twomore 148 
    no yes twomore 92 
    no no twomore 150 
proc freq data = cervical order = data;
  table partners*smoke*cancer / chisq relrisk cmh; 
  weight count; 
##                                         Cervical Cancer Example
##                                            The FREQ Procedure
##                                        Table 1 of smoke by cancer
##                                     Controlling for partners=zeorone
##                                   smoke     cancer
##                                   Frequency|
##                                   Percent  |
##                                   Row Pct  |
##                                   Col Pct  |yes     |no      |  Total
##                                   ---------+--------+--------+
##                                   yes      |     12 |     21 |     33
##                                            |   6.82 |  11.93 |  18.75
##                                            |  36.36 |  63.64 |
##                                            |  32.43 |  15.11 |
##                                   ---------+--------+--------+
##                                   no       |     25 |    118 |    143
##                                            |  14.20 |  67.05 |  81.25
##                                            |  17.48 |  82.52 |
##                                            |  67.57 |  84.89 |
##                                   ---------+--------+--------+
##                                   Total          37      139      176
##                                               21.02    78.98   100.00
##                                Statistics for Table 1 of smoke by cancer
##                                     Controlling for partners=zeorone
##                          Statistic                     DF       Value      Prob
##                          ------------------------------------------------------
##                          Chi-Square                     1      5.7571    0.0164
##                          Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square    1      5.2087    0.0225
##                          Continuity Adj. Chi-Square     1      4.6760    0.0306
##                          Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square     1      5.7244    0.0167
##                          Phi Coefficient                       0.1809          
##                          Contingency Coefficient               0.1780          
##                          Cramer's V                            0.1809          
##                                           Fisher's Exact Test
##                                    ----------------------------------
##                                    Cell (1,1) Frequency (F)        12
##                                    Left-sided Pr <= F          0.9941
##                                    Right-sided Pr >= F         0.0184
##                                    Table Probability (P)       0.0126
##                                    Two-sided Pr <= P           0.0304
##                                      Odds Ratio and Relative Risks
##                    Statistic                        Value       95% Confidence Limits
##                    ------------------------------------------------------------------
##                    Odds Ratio                      2.6971        1.1758        6.1868
##                    Relative Risk (Column 1)        2.0800        1.1705        3.6961
##                    Relative Risk (Column 2)        0.7712        0.5895        1.0089
##                                            Sample Size = 176
##                                        Table 2 of smoke by cancer
##                                     Controlling for partners=twomore
##                                   smoke     cancer
##                                   Frequency|
##                                   Percent  |
##                                   Row Pct  |
##                                   Col Pct  |yes     |no      |  Total
##                                   ---------+--------+--------+
##                                   yes      |     96 |    148 |    244
##                                            |  19.75 |  30.45 |  50.21
##                                            |  39.34 |  60.66 |
##                                            |  51.06 |  49.66 |
##                                   ---------+--------+--------+
##                                   no       |     92 |    150 |    242
##                                            |  18.93 |  30.86 |  49.79
##                                            |  38.02 |  61.98 |
##                                            |  48.94 |  50.34 |
##                                   ---------+--------+--------+
##                                   Total         188      298      486
##                                               38.68    61.32   100.00
##                                Statistics for Table 2 of smoke by cancer
##                                     Controlling for partners=twomore
##                          Statistic                     DF       Value      Prob
##                          ------------------------------------------------------
##                          Chi-Square                     1      0.0903    0.7638
##                          Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square    1      0.0903    0.7638
##                          Continuity Adj. Chi-Square     1      0.0430    0.8357
##                          Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square     1      0.0901    0.7640
##                          Phi Coefficient                       0.0136          
##                          Contingency Coefficient               0.0136          
##                          Cramer's V                            0.0136          
##                                           Fisher's Exact Test
##                                    ----------------------------------
##                                    Cell (1,1) Frequency (F)        96
##                                    Left-sided Pr <= F          0.6530
##                                    Right-sided Pr >= F         0.4179
##                                    Table Probability (P)       0.0709
##                                    Two-sided Pr <= P           0.7805
##                                      Odds Ratio and Relative Risks
##                    Statistic                        Value       95% Confidence Limits
##                    ------------------------------------------------------------------
##                    Odds Ratio                      1.0576        0.7341        1.5237
##                    Relative Risk (Column 1)        1.0349        0.8273        1.2947
##                    Relative Risk (Column 2)        0.9786        0.8497        1.1270
##                                            Sample Size = 486
##                                         Cervical Cancer Example
##                                            The FREQ Procedure
##                                  Summary Statistics for smoke by cancer
##                                         Controlling for partners
##                       Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Statistics (Based on Table Scores)
##                     Statistic    Alternative Hypothesis    DF       Value      Prob
##                     ---------------------------------------------------------------
##                         1        Nonzero Correlation        1      1.3361    0.2477
##                         2        Row Mean Scores Differ     1      1.3361    0.2477
##                         3        General Association        1      1.3361    0.2477
##                                  Common Odds Ratio and Relative Risks
##          Statistic                   Method                  Value       95% Confidence Limits
##          -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##          Odds Ratio                  Mantel-Haenszel        1.2153        0.8697        1.6985
##                                      Logit                  1.2309        0.8812        1.7194
##          Relative Risk (Column 1)    Mantel-Haenszel        1.1312        0.9194        1.3918
##                                      Logit                  1.1346        0.9209        1.3979
##          Relative Risk (Column 2)    Mantel-Haenszel        0.9315        0.8221        1.0554
##                                      Logit                  0.9294        0.8202        1.0532
##                                           Breslow-Day Test for
##                                      Homogeneity of the Odds Ratios
##                                      ------------------------------
##                                      Chi-Square              4.2069
##                                      DF                           1
##                                      Pr > ChiSq              0.0403
##                                         Total Sample Size = 662